I know you are ready to..

  • Bust Beliefs

    In this B , we dig deep into your mental, and emotional ways that your beliefs are influencing your life and decision-making. We un-veil the hidden stories within you to get to the root. We differentiate emotions from feelings and introduce tools to release them and not recycle.

    On the mental level we dive into action to upgrade your belief and change mindset.

  • Beat Fear

    This ‘B’ equips you with tools to be fearless and be aware of your creeping beliefs. Let’s face it, these beliefs have a way of sneaking in when we least expect it. These tools guide you to recognize these ‘little creatures’ before they take over you (AGAIN).

    On the behavioral level, you learn commitment to self-care and their effects on you without overwhelming. We take small steps together to ensure there is no frustration and introduce tools to keep your motivation.

  • Be Extraordinary

    We dive into spirituality (not religion) making it tangible and change the perspective from a victim mindset to an empowered one. We learn forgiveness and how to better deal with any situation.


When you have a solid sense of yourself, when you change your lifetime of limiting beliefs and feel yourself being enough, you are filled with a sense of worthiness that you do not (and would not) bargain for anything or anyone else. You will draw clear boundaries, you will achieve more in life, in relationship and in life!

 So Let’s Get Started..

With a combination of my background in counselling in multiple countries and culture, and coaching skills I provide a unique experience for my clients. There is no one-size-fits all as everyone is unique with their own sets of strengths and coping skills. I provide assistance for self-growth specifically designed for you, and awareness towards a renewed, confident and stronger life.

Bust beliefs, Beat fear, Be extraordinary

A comprehensive customized package offering a focused program exploring what it means to be your authentic best. We work together to unearth your hidden limiting beliefs, understanding where they come from, and how they are influencing your current behavior and decision making. We examine lifestyle, relationships, daily routine, and patterns. We identify your current coping skills and cultivate new ones. We take a dive into your spirituality (no matter what it is) to incorporate it into our lasting transformation. This series offers the flexibility of 60 and/or 90-minute sessions for more intensive weekly work totaling 8 one-to-one individualized session hours of coaching.

  • Level I: Foundation: Bust Beliefs

  • Level II: Transition: Beat Fear

  • Level III: Transformation: Be Extraordinary

Investment:  Flexible payment of $500 per month (value $125 per session)
Total investment of $1500

 Ready To Be Heard?

Chat with me 30mins, I will tell you exactly where you are stuck in this vicious cycle.